At this point, I think we’re all sick of binge-watching Netflix and we’ve probably raced through all our unfinished books so here is a list of things you can do at home which cost absolutely nothing.
Take a virtual tour of a museum

With travel out of the question indefinitely, why not visit the famous Parisian Musee d’Orsay or take a trip down to the Van Gough museum in Amsterdam.
Make exercise fun

If exercising is generally a chore to you, and running outside isn’t really your jam, there are lots of fun workout videos that will get you up and dancing and will make you feel great. Try this 30-minute cardio Latin dance workout
Or, if you’d like something a little slower and more relaxing we have Yoga by Adrienne. Whether you’re a novice or an expert there will definitely be a session for you. Click through her playlist on youtube here
We recommend this morning wake-up session and this wind-down yoga session to relax you before bed which is a sure remedy for a messed up routine and sleep pattern.
Join a book club online or set up your own bookclub

This is a great online book club to join, especially if you’re a fan of Reese Witherspoon but if that doesn’t take your fancy you could always set up your own book club using your social media. You can create a group in your Facebook messenger chat, your Instagram direct messages or even WhatsApp – if you have enough friends who are interested.
Sell your clothes on eBay or Depop

Give-up and watch fun things on Netflix

And if all this just makes you feel tired, don’t worry we know how you feel. It’s a weird time and sometimes doing nothing feels exhausting. Just in case you wanted to curl up into a blanket with some snacks we’ve compiled a list of Netflix recommendations to cheer you up.
On the off chance that you might not have Netflix, there are also lots of shows you can stream online for free. After all, we did promise you things you can do for nothing:
We’d love to hear what you’ve been up to during lockdown. Let us know in the comments below. Hope you are all keeping well and safe.